Join us for the ultimate Summer Camp Spectacular at The Center’s Summer My Way camp! We will be hosting eight weeks of summer fun where you get to be the boss! Sign up for the weekly sports camp, explore the arts with discovery camp, or set your sails towards a specialty camp! Tuesdays will be water day and we will have a visit from Kona Ice. This camp is designed for children going into kindergarten all the way up to 5th grade! (Ages 5-12.)
Camp runs 8am-6pm
(The Center will be closed Thursday, July 4th)
Cost for Monday-Friday:
$195 for Center Members and $210 for Non-Members
(Cost for July 4th week is $160 for Center Members and $170 for Non-Members)
You must register by the Thursday prior to care.
To Register:
You must fill out and return Registration Form and a Payment form to The Center, before your child(ren) can attend camp:
Summer My Way 2024 Registration Form
Summer My Way 2024_Payment Sheet
Make an account on ProCare: Click here
For questions about camp, email
For questions about registration, email
Discovery- Deep Blue Sea-Bring your imagination as we dive deep into the blue sea!
Sports- Ninja Warrior- Gear up for a week of agility and ninja fun. Campers will participate in games, obstacle courses, and exciting challenges.
Field Trip- Defy
Come together: Challenge week-It is the last week of summer camp, so be sure not to miss out on all of the fun we will be having together!
Field Trip- Evo Athletics
*Summer Camp Trips are subject to change.
Reduced fees for those who qualify: Sliding Scale Application
DCF License number C12MA0172